
I have no idea how you’ve come upon this site. Perhaps you know me, perhaps your Google-fu has betrayed you or perhaps you’re just looking for one of those dead ends of the Internet.

My name is Shelly Tumbleson. Originally from Texas, i left Austin in 2002 to move to Portland, Oregon. I spent the better part of 12 years there until my life fundamentally, and violently changed. Through a series of events, I have found myself in Blaine, Washington. That should significantly narrow which Shelly Tumbleson you have stumbled upon.

I am inextricably and eternally in love with horizons and as much as I love it here, would consider moving to BC, AB, SK or even MB for the right woman or, if not, then the Anchorage area.

Other things to know about me- i have a background in the fine arts and still paint, although not as much as i want or need to. If you’re looking for someone to narrate a project of yours- a documentary, a phone tree, a movie or a book, i have an exceptionally good bass voice.