
  • This isn’t even close to being one of my better works but i like that someone was able to get me to see how to draw my bees in a way other than straight-down. The back story is this is a painting i made for a woman that i will probably never see again (unless… Read more

  • typical conversation

    Shelly: good god. why are there still VGA ports on the newest IPS monitors???? me: why do chickens have nipples ? some things are just best left unquestioned, shelly. Shelly: well yes, you do have a good point. Read more

  • loss

    The principal of my school sent an e-mail with bad news.  One of our teachers lost control of his truck on a patch of ice on IH-84. While he survived, his seven year old son did not. Since the teacher is the head coach for our baseball program, his son was a school mascot of… Read more

  • silver age comics nostalgia

    I drove to Olympia, Washington a few nights ago to pick up about two thousand comic books for a friend of mine. She lives in Texas and her dad died earlier this year. He left his stash of comic books for her in his will. I drove up there, picked them up and brought them… Read more

  • A few days ago i wrote about how i was finally able to run… um, LUMBER like some obtuse, pasty marshmallow fuck for thirty fucking minutes on a treadmill. No, it wasn’t pretty but i did it, i did it, I DID IT ! On Thursday night/ Friday morning, my lungs decided to fuck me… Read more

  • that is debatable

    I recently found myself at Frys in Wilsonville. One theory is that bachelors have to go to Frys every few days or weeks, at most, to recharge their status as bachelors and that anyone that wants to maintain their geek credentials, boy or girl, are subject to the same irresistible draw (and the hollow promise… Read more

  • thirty minutes- finally!

    For the last several weeks, i’ve been spending more and more time in the gym. Some days i do some weights but most of the times that i go, it’s so that i can work on my cardio. I’ll start by doing some planks. I’m up to one minute for at least two of those… Read more

  • I’m sitting in the sauna in my gym. I can feel my heart rate is sustained at about 155 bpm and quite possibly higher. I am listening to the third movement of Low– a symphony originally composed by David Bowie and Brian Eno. This version is rendered by Philip Glass and is one of the… Read more

  • on gay marriage

    A few minutes ago, OKCupid had a question about how i feel about “Gay Marriage.” I find the phrase repulsive. It’s marriage- period. Marriage is a legally binding contract that describes, among other things, rights of shared ownership and property. It is not a license/ contract that is contingent on mutual love, it is not… Read more

  • today is difficult

    Today is Thanksgiving. Today is difficult. I was so sure that i’d finally found someone that wanted to go the distance; to spend their life with me. She was someone that i was so sure i’d be with to watch her hair turn to silver, whose kiss i would receive every night, whose smile would… Read more