March 2009
I have an add-on for Firefox called Stumbleupon. You make an account (free), tell it what your interests are, install the toolbar and once you’ve restarted Firefox, you click the “Stumble!” button and it will send you to a random website based on your interests. I highly suggest it to anyone who has an interest… Read more
On Facebook, i commented that i will not shop at Wal Mart, under any circumstance. A former co-worker, also tech savvy, commented that if i limited my choices to buying things not made in China, i wouldn’t have much to choose from. And he’s correct. But it got me thinking- how is it that i… Read more
This goes out to the three hyenas that were a paltry 12 feet away from my girlfriend and me as we tried enjoying some coffee and reading time at the Borders in Gresham this Saturday. Dear ladies, i just wanted to let you know how much i appreciated having my ability to read and the… Read more