
  • I have no doubt that i’m not going to finish this entry to the degree that i want it to be finished. I usually rehearse what i want to say for days before i put my fingers on the keyboard. I find the strands, i pull and tease them apart, then as i try to… Read more

  • I’ve been wanting to change the appearance of synaesthetic for some time but i never put much energy into it- so it didn’t change. Funny how those two things work together. This template is called LowFi and i like it- but it doesn’t behave like any other template i’ve ever administered before. As such, i’m… Read more

  • In my mind, this will be written in three parts. The reasons behind the title may not become clear until the end. It was about 10 months ago; maybe a year by now. Someone from my past sent me a message on FB saying hello. It was from a woman i dated in my misspent… Read more

  • zealot

    As a 57 year old, never married single guy, there are times that i’d prefer to not be single. I’ve grown exceptionally comfortable with being alone and it’s probably stunted my growth to a degree. Not that being involved with someone guarantees some sort of personal growth but having to build and maintain a friendship/… Read more

  • As i type this, spring has come but we’re still deep in jacket weather. As is usually the case, there’s ice on my windshield in the morning and i have to run my heater at night to keep it at 14c (aka: 57 freedoms). The sky is mottled with the fragmented remains of rain clouds… Read more

  • It’s been a few weeks since i wrote the first part of this entry. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing and done right before a week long trip to Texas; the first time i’d seen my friends and family in seven years. And no sooner did i get back then western Oregon and Washington had the… Read more

  • It’s October. In any other year, the rains would have started, we’d be grabbing our hoodies before heading out the door and orbweavers would be everywhere- most notably in your face when you walk out the door ’cause that’s just what the orbweavers of the Pacific Northwest do. Instead, we’re stuck in this purgatory that’s… Read more

  • I knew it has been a while since i posted but two years? Goddamn. I don’t have any great adventures, raves or crazy rants. I wake up, get some clean on me and go to work. On the weekends, i do yardwork, sleep on my couch while watching English Premiere League matches and try to… Read more

  • Two scoops of crazy!

    Early last month i had a fairly good match (percentage wise) with a woman on OK Cupid. We bounced a couple of mails back and forth then i gave her one of my gmail accounts. We had another couple of mails that way then decided to have a video chat. I’ve been on a lot… Read more