• the common thread

    I have a friend in Austin that’s going through a divorce. We don’t get to talk often; i’m on the west coast and busy. She’s in Texas and probably busier. Her marriage wasn’t a terrible marriage in the way that those sorts of things go but it was fundamentally flawed. Ten years later and she’s… Read more

  • There’s a woman i was friends with for a few years although we never met face to face. She came across me during those evenings i spent on Austin Access during the year and a half or so that i’d moved back from SF. She was an intelligent woman whose sexual appetite was as voracious… Read more

  • Over the last few years, i’ve tried writing this. I usually found myself getting into more detail and nuance than a simple post demanded. But again, it’s not a small statement of fact that i make when i say that this was one of the pivotal moments of my adolescence. I’m writing this for both… Read more

  • coming soon to soonish

    I think i’m writing this more for myself than for anyone that might read it. My enthusiasm for writing on synaesthetic has waned in the last few years. I honestly can’t give a single answer as to why. Part of it is after being treated for my sleep apnea, i’ve become a different person. Part… Read more

  • green winter

    My friends Carolyn and Daniel visited me in October of last year. We were about 2 weeks from the peak of autumn and color changes were happening so fast that you could see the difference from day to day. We were able to see the Columbia Gorge as well as Silver Falls. At some point… Read more

  • the distance of grey

    It’s been a terrible winter. In fact, the only winter days we’ve had were before 21 December (that’s the first day of winter for those who don’t know). Yesterday was as unremarkable as any other day of late. High 40’s, low 50’s with a non descript grey sheet stretching from horizon to horizon. But something… Read more

  • I’m in the locker room at my gym a couple of days ago and the pundit on the Stupid Box has cranked his Righteousometer to 11. “Tiger needs to apologize!”, “Tiger should stop playing for 6 months and get his life together”, “Tiger will lose his endorsements and his career is possibly over.” These are… Read more

  • frozen moment

    Last Sunday i was in Olympia. There’s a pond/ small lake near where Adelle lives. In months past, we’ve gone there to see several species of duck vying for the chunks of bread that we toss to them as well as lazy fat newts bobbing near the surface, chowing down on crumbs too small for… Read more

  • modern educators

    I’m sitting in on a meeting of educators this morning as they discuss engaging the seniors at our school in the seminar they have to present before they can graduate. One of them mentions a reality that resonated with me, “…and we have to watch to see that they don’t become frustrated and shut down.”… Read more

  • Until recently i had believed that Austin’s favorite cocaine fueled paranoid sociopath*, Alex Jones, had given up on living on the backs of the weak minded, ignorant and racist flock that followed him. This is mostly due to the fact i live half a continent away from Austin. As it turns out, i was wrong- in… Read more